Football Corner brings you All Things Football

For the last few weeks, Football Corner has been thinking of ways to improve the site. We experimented with several ideas including the idea to start up a forum on the site, however in the end we have decided to start a new weekly column which will be written by a good friend of mine, Frankie Lally.

You may remember Frankie. He previously wrote on the site last summer and he was a massive help to myself. I must admit, it's great to have him back on the site and I'm sure over the coming months he will prove a massive hit with you, the readers. Frankie will be writting a new weekly football column called "All Things Football".

"All Things Football" will bring you, well all things football I guess. It will be posted every Thursday evening (apart from the first column which will be posted on Monday evening) and I hope you enjoy. So make sure to stay tuned to Football Corner over the coming weeks and months for all the latest news and views of the footballing nature and for the new feature.


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